Alumni Spotlight! Posted on March 23rd, 2021 by

Alumni Historian Spotlight – Dan Kallgren

Our next alumni spotlight goes to Dr. Dan Kallgren who graduated from Gustavus in 1986 with a major in history and a minor in music and is currently an Associate Professor of History and Humanities at the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. Dr. Kallgren teaches classes on U.S. and Western Civilizations history and is the Associate Editor of Voyageur Magazine, a regional history journal/magazine.

When asked about how his time at Gustavus impacted him as a historian, Dr. Kallgren stated, “I feel very fortunate to have fallen in love with history at GAC under the guidance of Kevin Byrne, Byron Nordstrom and Tom Emmert. I never wanted to leave college and history and have been fortunate to have had a very full and rewarding career. History was and still remains the best way for me to make sense of the world around me, and I only hope that I’ve been able to instill some of the same passion that I got from my professors at GAC to my students.”

Check back to see what other Gustavus History Alumni are up to!

Author, Catherine Lim, Biology an History Major, 2021

My name is Catherine Lim and I am a senior Biology and History double major at Gustavus. I serve as a student worker, academic assistant, and researcher in the History Department.


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