Alumni Spotlight! Posted on March 22nd, 2021 by


Alumni Historian Spotlight – John Holt

Dr. John Holt graduated from Gustavus in 1970 with a history degree. He went on to receive his MA in History and Phenomenology of Religion from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, and his Ph.D. in the History of Religions from the University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois.

Dr. Holt has had a distinguished career that has included countless publications and awards, and he has had the privilege of teaching in places such as Japan, Hong Kong, and Sri Lanka. Currently, the Visiting Professor of Theravada Buddhism at the University of Chicago, Dr. Holt’s teaching areas include religions of Asia and topical and comparative studies of religion.

Dr. Holt is also working on his next book The Thailand You Don’t Know.

Author: Lillie Ortloff, History Major, ‘22


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