Entries tagged with ‘History Major’
History Alum Awarded Fulbright
Dr. Joel A. Johnson, ’96, who double-majored in History (with Honors) and Political Science at Gustavus, recently learned that he has been awarded a prestigious senior-level Fulbright Scholar lecture/research position in the Department of British and American Studies at the University of Marburg, Germany, for 2010-11. About the university Joel writes: “I’ve had a little time to […]
I Majored in History, Now What?
What can you do with a History major? The answer may surprise you. What would you like to do? The History program at Gustavus prepares its majors to think historically. Historical thinking involves skills that are crucial to thriving in our rapidly-changing global environment. Among those skills are analysis of trends and causes-effects over time; interpretation […]