Dr. Marinari received an honored invitation to join the IHRC Affiliated Scholars Program. The Immigration History Research Center (IHRC) is an interdisciplinary center at the University of Minnesota that promotes research on migration. Its Affiliated Scholars Program brings together local, regional, national, and international scholars to foster collaborative research and programming. Affiliated scholars are listed on the IHRC website and become part of the IHRC’s international community of researchers invited to participate in IHRC events, connect with other scholars, and engage in collaborative activities. Affiliated Scholars may be expected to participate in, or attend some IHRC activities as well as respond to requests for information.

On Tuesday, September 29, Dr. Maddalena Marinari had an opportunity to present her research on undocumented Italian migrants at the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota. Her presentation was part of the center’s Global Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Series and Research in Progress Talks. The talk drew from research she conducted at the IHRC archives for which she also received a postdoctoral grant from the center. Contrary to common perception, undocumented immigration is not a recent phenomenon. At the end of the nineteenth century, Italians began to enter the United States illegally the moment Congress began to pass restrictive immigration laws. Like undocumented immigrants today, Italians turned to an intricate web of forgers and smugglers to enter the country as stowaways or by clandestinely crossing the Canadian and Mexican borders.
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